Contact us.

Join us in the fight to end extremist minority rule!

Call or text Precinct Chair Joey Cade here: 214-663-0826. or, email us here:

Thank you, neighbors of Precinct 1052 for voting to re-elect Joey Cade as Precinct Chair!

  • Born and raised in East Dallas, Joey has been a lifelong progressive organizer, environmentalist, and volunteer for many causes

  • Joey registers voters, block walks, and communicates with neighbors about elections and actions to take to help GOTV in our area

  • Joey plans fun, informative events, like neighborhood socials, postcard parties, voter registration events, poll greeting festivities, candidate forums, and large organizer training events

  • Joey is a small business owner, creative producer, boy mom (sorry for the noise!), and a friendly neighbor

  • Currently serving second term as Secretary of the Texas Environmental Democratic Caucus, a statewide party leadership position

  • Joey worked at the Texas House of Representatives for the Dem Chair of the Economic Development Committee and would appreciate your vote

After years volunteering as an organizer, Joey Cade was sworn in as 1052 Precinct Chair in December 2021.

Joey appreciates his support and mentor-ship of previous Chair Tim Sexton, who continues to serve our community, as he has for decades.